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Trading Information

Information over our Trading policies
18 articles
Can I Trade The News?Can you trade the news?
Weekend TradingCan you trade on the weekend?
Swing TradingCan you swing trade?
LeverageThe leverage we offer on different instruments
Hedge TradingCan you hedge your trades?
EA TradingCan you use a trading robot?
Copy TradingCan you use a copy trading software?
Live or Demo?Is your TopTier account live?
Account Rolling/ChurningLet's get more into the details of account rolling/churning
Gambling BehaviorLet's dive more into Gambling Behavior and what is means for you...
Scaling PlanCan you scale your account?
Challenge ResetIs your account eligible for a reset?
Challenge RefundWhen do you get your challenge fee refunded?
Account inactivityWhat happens if your account becomes disabled?
Tradeable Symbols on TradeLocker with TopTier TraderA comprehensive list of the tradeable symbols available on TradeLocker with TopTier Trader
Updated Risk ProcessOur updated approach to make deductions directly on accounts on a daily basis
One-Click TradingLearn how to use One-Click Trading responsibly and avoid unintended rule violations
Commission FeesLearn More About Commission Fees While Trading on TradeLocker at TopTier Trader