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Getting Started

General information to know about TopTier Trader
8 articles
What is TopTier Trader?What is TopTier Trader and how can you benefit from it?
How To Get Started?Steps on becoming a TopTier Trader
Account CreationHow soon do you get your account?
Challenge Start TimeWhen does my challenge officially start?
Is TopTier Trader an Evaluation Firm?What is an evaluation firm and what does that mean?
Is TopTier Trader a Broker/Financial Advisor?More information about what a Broker and Financial Advisor is and how TopTier Trader is neither of these things
Protecting yourself against scammers and othersIn a digital world, there are plenty of people who want to take advantage. Read on to learn a bit more about how to protect yourself.
How to contact Support?Information on how to contact our live support team for any questions you might have